Grace Church Family,
We are having in person services again! We are excited to be able to worship in the same building. We want to make you aware of many changes and precautions we are taking to protect the health of everyone who attends and to follow the directions of health officials.
1. During this time we will have three services. This is to help spread everyone out and so we can provide a service for those who are most at risk. We will also continue to live stream the service at 9:45 for those who prefer to stay at home.
New Service times:
- 8:30 (At risk only. We invite all seniors and those with underlying health conditions to attend this service.)
- 9:45
- 11:00
Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the service you plan to attend.
If you are not attending the at risk service and normally attend the first service, we ask you attend the 9:45. If you normally attend the second service we ask that you attend the 11:00.
2. In order to follow state and CDC guidelines, we are asking everyone to maintain social distancing of six feet while in the church building. We ask that no one congregate in the foyer but when you enter the building please proceed directly to a chair in the auditorium. We will use every other row and keep two chairs between family units. After the service we ask that everyone move out of the building and not congregate inside.
Also, following the guidelines from the Governor and local officials, we ask everyone to wear a mask when moving around the building. Once you are in your seat for service you may remove your mask. We ask that when you leave your seat you put your mask back on.
3. During this time we do not have all our children’s classes. Currently our 1st through 5th grade is the only children’s class meeting. All children are welcome to sit with their parents during the service. You are welcome to bring coloring books and similar items for your child. Our services will be less than an hour long to help make it easier for children to be in the service. We also ask that all teenagers sit with their family. If you child plans to attend the elementary class, please not that space is limited. You can preregister here to have a guaranteed spot.
4. Below you will find a list of further actions we, as a church, are taking.
- We are dedicated to offering a clean and safe environment.
- Our facilities are cleaned regularly and we are taking extra steps to keep the building clean.
- During this time, our greeters will greet you with a smile instead of a handshake.
- Offering baskets will not be passed. Tithes and offerings can be given online or in the offering boxes at the back of the room.
- We will not have bulletins during this time. Please follow us on Facebook or check the church website for upcoming events.
We encourage you to continue to wash your hands thoroughly and maintain a distance of six feet from people outside of your family. If you or anyone in your family are experiencing symptoms, please stay home.